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Reclaim Your Power To Create

Join Stephanie Freeth,  Leadership Coach, and learn how to embody your authentic leadership superpowers from the inside out.


Why I Coach

My 40's have been a decade of inner work to confront and heal the reactive patterns that kept me over-working but also playing small and hiding my most essential gifts. At 39 I hit a crisis point. My chronic over-work patterns showed up physically as a compromised immune system that opened me up to getting Mono and experiencing adrenal fatigue. I had gone to Princeton, earned my MBA from Kellogg (Northwestern), was in a VP position, and juggled family life with 2 small children. And I was exhausted.

My health situation invited a huge reckoning and turning point. I learned to own that I was the one creating the burnout I was experiencing even though I said I wanted balance.  As I was healing physically, I sought out coaching support focused on conscious leadership and the Enneagram. These frameworks, taught to me by masters in the field, were my keys to identifying and unwinding the unconscious patterns that kept me in crisis even though everything on the outside may have appeared as if I had it all together.

Fast forward to now, and I am finding my way back to full aliveness every day. In 2024, I went on a Songwriter's Journey and recorded an album of 7 songs that are the outward expression of my inner journey, despite having told myself decades ago that I wasn't a singer. Now, as a Leadership Coach, I teach others in their 30s, 40s, and 50s how to heal the unconscious patterns keeping them stuck. I help leaders reclaim their essential creative power from the inside out. 

Read my story

Resources for leaders, teams, and organizations

For Leaders: Leadership Coaching with Stephanie

Are you ready to grow as a leader? Deep dive into your development with 1:1 leadership coaching.

Learn More About Leadership Coaching

For Team Leaders: Invite Stephanie to speak or facilitate

Looking for a speaker or facilitator? Stephanie offers keynotes, facilitated workshops, and customized retreats and off-sites.

Invite Stephanie to Facilitate or Speak

For Leaders: Online Course on Strategic Planning

Considering strategic planning? Take this free online course to set you up for success.

Access the Course on Strategic Planning

Working with Stephanie Freeth has been life changing. Her commitment to her clients is palpable and her openness and empathy enables transformational growth. I've finally found a style to prepare me for 21st century leadership challenges!

Meredith Long


Stephanie has been a wonderful coach and guide through so much personal growth this Spring. She brings a wonderful mix of new content to learn from as well as holding space with acceptance to guide you no matter where you are at.

Nalani Rodriquez

The latest from my blog 

Embodying My Voice: A Songwriter's Journey Back Home

Mar 21, 2024

Who I Am and How I Can Help You

Mar 12, 2024

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